This book is an amended transcript of one of the many, many sittings with the illustrious Shaykh, where he was asked about the issue of Takfeer. The sitting took place in Jordan. The transcript was amended by the Shaykh to make it suitable for print.
Author: Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
Translators: Abbas Abu Yahya
This short booklet is a translation of a khutba (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih on the 12th of Muharram in the year 1411AH. Which has been published in Arabic under the title: Athar ul-Ma’aasee ‘ Alal Fardi Wal Mujtama.’
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
An informative guide to marriage and its various rulings.
Author: Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
The source of all evil is the deviation from the truth and its straight path. The goodness of all matters is the following of truth and adherence to its right way. Truth is the fixed state in which Allah has created every creature in a particular way and managed its affair in a certain manner. Allah is Perfect and exempt from any deficiency or error. This book aims to elucidate the pillars of Imaan (basis of belief, faith) and the characteristics of Kufr (disbelief) and its causes.
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Translated from the original Arabic into English, provides a vivid insight into the moral conduct of the early Muslims in a society led by the perfect character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ('I was only sent to perfect good character'). The Prophet's Companions represent excellent examples of men of vigorous moral stature whose conduct inspired and attracted the masses to the fold of Islam wherever they went during the expansion of the Muslim territories, and contrary to the stereotypic portrayal, in the West, of Islam as being spread by the sword.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari
This is the English book "Ibn Taymiyyah Expounds on Islam" - A book of various Fataawa on Islamic faith, life and society. Translated by Muhammad Abdul Haqq Ansari and printed by The Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA).
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Translators: Mohammed Abdul Haqq Al-Ansari