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  • Selected Friday Sermons

    This book is a must for every Imam and anyone who expects to give Friday sermons in the English speaking world. The sermons contained in this book are collected from the sermons of Prophet Muhammad (S) himself, his companions and various prominent scholars. The sermons are both educational and heart moving, therefore fulfilling the goal of the Friday sermon. Every Muslim who attends the Friday congregational prayer wants to have his faith increased with inspirational and encouraging exhortations, and at the same time be sure that the information that he is receiving is Islamically correct. Thus, we present this collection of sermons in hopes that it will assist the reader in delivering quality religious speeches, thereby fulfilling the obligation of the Friday sermon in the best manner. May Allah grant us success.



  • The Bible led me to Islam

    This book is a compilation of excerpts from several books addressing Christianity that I had the pleasure of reading before and after I became a Muslim. After becoming a Muslim, I continued to read books about Christianity because the "skin" of Christianity was hard to cast off after 28 years in the religion; years that almost led me to becoming the minister of an African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church In Great Falls, Montana.

    Reveiwers: Ahmed Deedat - Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    Publisher: A website Islamic Library



  • The Truth About Jesus




  • Is Jesus God? , The Bible says No

    This book affirms from the Bible that Jesus Christ is not God but a human.

    Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    Publisher: A website Islamic Library



  • A Program of Studies for New Muslims

    To act correctly, a Muslim must first acquire authentic knowledge, change his mode of thought and improve his practical ability. These changes must result from the Muslims' own decisions and efforts if they are to be educationally enduring, religiously sound, socially important and physically permanent. It is with this aim and intention that the Islamic Teaching Center has prepared "A Program of Studies for New Muslims" It is an attempt to enable the New Muslim to respond to his environment in North America equipped with an Islamic framework reflecting his beliefs, values, attitudes and behavior which characterize him as a new breed of men enjoining right, eradicating evil, forbidding wrong and believing in Allah.

    Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof



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