THE MUSLIM CREED is one of the best books on the subject of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. Till date it has gone through various publications; and had been the means for guidance of the millions of people throughout the world; by taking them out of the darkness of polytheism and error.
Author: Suhaib Hasan AbdulGhaffar
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Darussalam Publications Website
This is a lecture that Shaikh Al-Albani gave in the city of Doha, the capital of Qatar, during the blessed month of Ramadan of 1392H. Then requesters asked the shaikh to print it due to the important benefits contained within it, and to the Muslim's need for something like it.
Author: Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
Translators: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon
The Muslims in general believe that the Qur'an has been preserved intact and pure by Allah Himself. But what is often forgotten by many is that this preservation necessarily includes the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the practical example of the implementation of the Qur'an. Hadith is Sunnah in record. How the immense wealth of Hadith literature has been left to us by the Muhaddiths (scholars of Hadith) is an extremely wide, complex study. We publish this short treatise on "the science of Hadith" by the learned Suhaib Hasan with English readers in mind. It is part of our scheme to introduce various aspects of Islam to English readers. May Allah accept it as a good work.
Author: Suhaib Hasan AbdulGhaffar
This is an article talks about the virtue of Muharram month, the divine Month, in the light of the Prophetic hadiths. It relates the story of Day of Ashuraa' (10th of Muharram), urges to fast it and mentions the reason behind the recommendation on fasting this day and the day before it, all of that through the prophetic hadiths.
Author: Abdullah ibn Saleh Al-Fowzan - Abdullah ibn Saleh Al-Fawzan
Reveiwers: Abu Adham Osama Omara
Publisher: A website Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah
This booklet deals with one of the most important topics to which the Muslim should give attention in his life and for which he should have the utmost concern. Included in it is the explanation of a tremendous way of seeking forgiveness, from amongst the various forms of seeking forgiveness that occur in the sunnah of the Prophet.
Author: AbdurRazzaaq AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad
A very important series begins on the list today, concerned with the subject of al-Jannah and an-Naar - the Paradise and the Hell-Fire. One of these two will be the end destination; moreover the eternal abode, for each and every one of us. Therefore it is crucial for us to reflect on what Allah has prepared for mankind - for those who are obedient and recognise His favours, and for those who reject His sins and rebel against Him.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Islam Web Website