Qadar is a very sensitive topic. It is the sixth pillar of faith, and many people have gone astray regarding it. Some have denied it altogether while others have gone to such extremes in affirming it that they end up denying human free will.
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
A nice discussion of some important points needed by those callling to Islam
The must-know duties that every Muslim man and woman should perceive.
Author: Abdullah Al-Qarawe
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A Dawah website Wathakker
A discussion of the obligation of keeping a beard and a clarification of some common misconceptions.
Author: Muhammad al-Jibaly
Publisher: Al-Kitaab & as-Sunnah Publishing
The legality of music and singing in the Islamic shari'ah (the divinely-revealed law) is an issue which is hotly debated among individuals and scholars in Islamic societies of our present day. Arriving at the correct view requires unbiased, scholarly research of the available literature which must be supported by authentic, decisive proof. A considerable amount has been said and written both for and against this subject, and the proliferation of doubt and confusion necessitates another more critical, meticulous analysis and assessment of this whole matter, in order for one to come to a clear, decisive conclusion which leaves not the least bit of doubt in the mind of the reader.
Author: Abu Bilal Mustafa Al-Kandi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
I welcome you to our ‘Like A Garment’ e-book, an initiative that seeks to educate Muslims to find conjugal bliss in their marriages. The initiative is called ‘Like A Garment’, from the famous Quranic phrase of spouses being like garments to one another. The website has two aims: to disseminate information about this topic (which will, Insha Allah, be beneficial to all Muslims, single and married), and to garner, via anonymous questionnaires, the problems and concerns that the Muslims of our times are facing in this area (which will help me better prepare future lectures).
Author: Abu Ammaar Yaasir al-Qaadi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof