To act correctly, a Muslim must first acquire authentic knowledge, change his mode of thought and improve his practical ability. These changes must result from the Muslims' own decisions and efforts if they are to be educationally enduring, religiously sound, socially important and physically permanent. It is with this aim and intention that the Islamic Teaching Center has prepared "A Program of Studies for New Muslims" It is an attempt to enable the New Muslim to respond to his environment in North America equipped with an Islamic framework reflecting his beliefs, values, attitudes and behavior which characterize him as a new breed of men enjoining right, eradicating evil, forbidding wrong and believing in Allah.
Author: Mohammed Moin Uddin Siddique
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know, for sure, our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him Alone. We should also know our prophet whom Allah had sent to us and to mankind, believe in Him and follow him. We should know the Religion of Truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in and practice it.
Author: Abdullah Abdul Ghani Al-Khayyat
Publisher: Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates in the city of AlQaseem - A website Islamic Library
A brief book which describes the definition of a summary statement of the Islamic religion and inclusiveness of all aspects of life and the doctrine of monotheism, and of God, the Holy Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: A website Islamic Library
The lofty rank and high station eemaan possesses is not something obscure, as it is unquestionably, the most important duty as well as being the most imperative of all obligations. It is also the greatest and most glorious of them. All the good in the world and the Hereafter is dependent upon the presence of eemaan and on its soundness and integrity. Eemaan holds such a multitude of benefits, ripe fruits, delicious pro-duce, constant food and continual goodness.
Author: AbdurRazzaaq AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad
Translators: Abu Safwan Farid Ibn AbdulWahid Haibatan - Abu Safwah Fareed Abdul Wahid
Human Rights in Islam and Common Misconceptions: In this booklet the author address human rights in the light of perfectly balanced system of laws and principles of Islam. These rights are bases on revelations from the Divine Book of Muslims, the Glorious Qur'an and from the Sunnah, the practice of Allah's Messenger -pbuh- the two main sources of Islamic life and jurisprudence.
Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha
Translators: Abu Salman Diya ud-Deen Eberle
Publisher: - Islam Land Website
This book outlines the basic Islamic concepts in child education. The author has tried to coordiante the main ideas, as well as the basics precepts for raising Muslim children in all the different spheres of life. First of all, the importance of correct belief and faith cannot be inculcated in young children except through the teaching and example of their parents; and obviously, the role of the mature and religious mother is foremost.