Islam recognizes family as a basic social unit. Along with the husband-wife relationship the Parent-child relationship is the most important one. To maintain any social relationship both parties must have some clear-cut Rights as well as obligations. The relationships are reciprocal. Duties of one side are the Rights of the other side. So in Parent-child relationship the Rights of parents are the obligations (duties) of the children and vice versa, the Rights of children are obligations (duties) of parents.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Each person is born in a religious environment that is not of his/her own choice. From the very beginning of human existence in this world, they are assigned the religion of their family or the ideology of the state. By the time individuals reach their teens they usually accept the beliefs of their parents or that of their particular society. However, when some people mature and are exposed to other beliefs and ideologies, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs, and search for the truth.
Author: Majed S. Al-Rassi - Majid Bin Sulaiman Al-Russi
Reveiwers: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
This book was prepared by a group of Saudi scholars and intellectuals. They address Western mind which looks at fair truth and objective and convincing dialogue. The book, in general, discusses the most important issues and suspicions raised by Western political and media organizations in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 events. These events have placed Islam, the Kingdom, its people, and its religious, educational and social institutions in a position that requires correction and review. The book is a moderate vision in responding to the issues and suspicions. A biased reader would notice the major difference between the reality and the raised concepts and images which were far from the reality.
The stories I have related are some of the true experiences of my life before and after I became a Muslim. These experiences are only a few of the more than three hundred people I have seen come to Islam.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: Islamic call and guidance centre in Abha:
Putting things right in the home is a great trust and huge responsibility which every Muslim man and woman should undertake as Allah commands; they should run the affairs of their homes in accordance with the rules set out by Allah. One of the ways of achieving this is by ridding the home of evil things. The following aims to highlight some evil things that actually happen in some homes and that have become tools of destruction for the nests in which the future generations of the Muslim ummah are being raised.
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
This is a translation of the beneficial treatise of Imaam Muhammadbin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab, “Shuroot as-Salaat wa Arkaanuhaa wa Waajibaatuhaa.” In this short treatise, Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab, may Allah have mercy on him, briefly outlines the nine conditions for the acceptance of one ’s prayer, as well as the fourteen pillars and eight requirements of the prayer, mentioning some of their proofs and evidences from the Book and the Sunnah.
Author: Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof