The Life of Isa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam: His personality has impacted the three major religions of this world, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Given the importance of his time on earth, it is critical for mankind to fully understand his pivotal role in shaping history as well as the final days.
Author: Ahmad Musa Jibril
Publisher: - Ahmad Jibril Website
The annual Religious Freedom Reports released by US State Department often include sections about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia. These reports are officially distributed by the State Department and then circulated amongst the centers of research in the West as well as the international media outlets and other channels. Saudi Arabia comes on top of concern of those involved in these reports, due to its religious and political significance. Accordingly, it becomes incumbent on us, as Saudis, to discuss the sections in these reports which cover religious freedom in our country and provide facts that are not included in these reports. While discussing these reports, we should explain to the world our view point vis-à-vis these reports. We should also allow the reader to discover the truth as stated therein and according to criteria upon which many fair-minded, rational people agreed with us.
This is a useful book although it is small. It contains some technical terms for da'wah in English. No doubt all scholars and callers to Islam in English are in much need to something like that to conveys the right message of Islam to all those speak English.
This book on the Opening chapter of the Muslims Glorious book Al-Quran is a serious Attempt to Approach a great task, comprehensive yet simple explanation of Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening) of the Quran.
Author: Salah Edin A Nefeily
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Islam Basics Website
This is a medium response to one Yemenite Sufi whose name is Al-Habeeb Ibn 'Ali Al-Jafri. In his most recent tape entitled ''The Objectives of a Female Believer and Her Example in Life'', he mentioned that the celebration of the Prophet's, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, birthday is permissible. He provided evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah (of the Prophet, sallalaahu 'alayhi wa salam) -as he claims- and he confused the ordinary listener with this evidence.
Author: Aadil ibn Ali ibn Ahmad Al-Fareedaan
Translators: Kessai El-Karim
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
I welcome you to our ‘Like A Garment’ e-book, an initiative that seeks to educate Muslims to find conjugal bliss in their marriages. The initiative is called ‘Like A Garment’, from the famous Quranic phrase of spouses being like garments to one another. The website has two aims: to disseminate information about this topic (which will, Insha Allah, be beneficial to all Muslims, single and married), and to garner, via anonymous questionnaires, the problems and concerns that the Muslims of our times are facing in this area (which will help me better prepare future lectures).
Author: Abu Ammaar Yaasir al-Qaadi
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof