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    The Islamic View of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), How did the Quran Narrated the stories of the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad, and the Quran had explained in detail the story of Jesus peace be up on him, In the Light of Holy Quran and Sunnah.



  • Usool At-Tafseer

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    Dr. Saleh As-Saleh shows in his introduction to this book that Allah could not have created this universe without a purpose. He is All-Wise, All- Knowledgeable, All-Merciful and All-Just. All of these attributes entail providing ways of guidance that would lead to the proper knowledge of Him, and thus the right way to worship Him. Allah sent his messengers to direct man to relate to His Creator through complete submission and obedience (this is the meaning of Islam). He needs to know what benefits him and what harms him. The Message from Allah comprehends everything. It brings man to live for a noble purpose. All forms of worship are explained in the Qur'an and by the Prophet. Worship is not left for our limited minds to decide upon their ways.

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