Translated from the original Arabic into English, provides a vivid insight into the moral conduct of the early Muslims in a society led by the perfect character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ('I was only sent to perfect good character'). The Prophet's Companions represent excellent examples of men of vigorous moral stature whose conduct inspired and attracted the masses to the fold of Islam wherever they went during the expansion of the Muslim territories, and contrary to the stereotypic portrayal, in the West, of Islam as being spread by the sword.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari
A detailed account of the life of the Prophet, may god praise him.
What are the Conditions of Du'aa? Merits of Supplications? Manners of Making Du'aa? Mistakes in Du'aa? Why invocations not Answered? This series answer those questions and other topics.
Author: Khalid Aljuraisy
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Al Alukah Website
This is an advice from the previous Grand Mufti in Saudi Arabia in regard to Riba (usury) transactions that have proliferated in the recent times through the numerous financial institutions that have been established throughout the world.
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Translators: Jalal Abualrub
This treatise is comprised of a collection of ahaadeeth (sayings of the Prophet) and athaar (sayings of the Salaf) on the subject of Islamic Knowledge. The Tahqeeq of the book was done by Imam Al-albanee.
Author: Abu Khaithama Zuhair Ibn Harb An-Nasaa’ee - Abu Khaisamah Zuhair Bin Harb Al-Nisai
Translators: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon
The content of this book are glad tidings to the oppressed people of the occupied territories particularly, and to all Muslims in general.
Author: Sefr Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Hawali
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof