This book is an authoritative source on a matter of central importance to everyone: the events of Akhir al-zaman the final period of this world’s history The work is by Ibn Kathir. an eminent Muslim scholar and is based entirely Upon authentic texts. The many Ahadith or Traditions. The Blessed Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) described the condition in which people would live in those times.
Author: Imam Ibn Kathir
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The Guidance of Muhammad -Blessings and Peace Be Upon Him- Concerning Worship, Dealings and Manners: The guidance of Muhammad -Blessings and Peace Be Upon Him- is the practical application of Islam. It consolidates all the characteristics that make Islam easy to embrace and practice, for it includes all aspects of life, whether religious, practical, ethical, material or spiritual. This book contains selections from the scholarly work by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, "Zadul-Ma`ad"
Author: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - Ahmad bin Uthman Al-Mazyad
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
A summary of the rulings, etiquette and Sunnah of fasting.
Author: Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Tuwajre
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Translators: Mahmoud Reda Morad Abu Romaisah
Publisher: A website Islamic Library
A Comprehensive Directory of Religion Dictionary, Glossary and Terms listings that contain religious Terms and Terminology.
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: Islamic call and guidance centre in Abha:
In this book, Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains only seven foundations out of sixty mentioned in the book of Sh. Abder-Rahman As-Se'di "The Basic Rulings and Principles, and the Beneficial and Eloquent Classifications and Differentiations". The importance of this book stems from the nature of its content. This is because the scholars of Islam gave great importance to the study of the basic rulings and principles of fiqh so that they are able to encompass the various cases and refer these cases to the basic rulings and principles in order to deduct and apply the judgment in a comprehensive, yet precise manner.
Author: Abdur-Rahman Bin Nasir as-Sadi
Translators: Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
Publisher: - Understand Islam Website
This is the English book "Ibn Taymiyyah Expounds on Islam" - A book of various Fataawa on Islamic faith, life and society. Translated by Muhammad Abdul Haqq Ansari and printed by The Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America (IIASA).
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Translators: Mohammed Abdul Haqq Al-Ansari