The Author, a well-known British lady writer tries to make reader aware of the Islamic standard for an ideal wife and to encourage the wife to reach that standard as much as she wishes her husband to reach it as an ideal Muslim husband.
Author: Aisha Lemu
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: Islamic call and guidance centre in Abha:
Islam is the religion which Allah has chosen, is pleased with and has legislated for His slaves. People are in dire need of its laws to organize the affairs of their private and public lives, their internal and external affairs. Besides the great importance paid in Islam to general principles and fundamentals, it has not neglected secondary issues.
Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha
Publisher: - Islam Land Website
This book, The Religion of Truth, treats these basic and great subjects. We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know, for sure, our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him Alone. We should also know our prophet whom Allah had sent to us and to mankind, believe in Him and follow him. We should know the Religion of Truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in and practice it.
Author: Abdurrahman bin Hammad Alomar
Due to the pitiful state which the Ummah of Muhammad (may God praise him) is in, due to the lack of knowledge of Muslims about their religion, and due to the high regard which some Muslims hold for Western thought and culture, we see that a hideous practice which contradicts the very principles of chastity and honor in Islam has crept into many Muslim societies. Many people don't realize the origins and consequences of this shameful celebration, but rather blindly follow its rites and customs to be "closer" to the West, not thinking of the sin and displeasure they are earning from Allah.This Book study the ruling concerning this celebration and statements of scholars in this regard.
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
The author said in his introduction, “The purpose of this small book is not to answer ignorant or hostile critics, nor is it to recount praises of our Prophet as countless Muslim authors have done so eloquently over the centuries. Rather, it is to present facts that are based on historically verified sources and then leave the reader to make his own decision, or if he desires, to investigate the matter further. The book is divided mainly into two sections, although the topics covered in both are interrelated and complimentary. The first acquaints the reader with information about the life of Prophet Muhammad and his global mission, while the second is concerned more with his teachings and way of life.”
Reveiwers: Abu Adham Osama Omara
An summarised text detailing the rules governing the Criticism of Hadeeth. From its introduction -'A hadith (pl. ahadith) is composed of two parts: the matn (text) and the isnad (chain of reporters). A text may seem to be logical and reasonable but it needs an authentic isnad with reliable reporters to be acceptable; 'Abdullah b. al-Mubarak (d. 181 AH) is reported to have said, "The isnad is part of the religion: had it not been for the isnad, whoever wished to would have said whatever he liked." During the lifetime of the Prophet (SAS) and after his death, his Companions (Sahabah) used to refer to him when quoting his sayings. The Successors (Tabi'un) followed suit; some of them used to quote the Prophet (SAS) through the Companions while others would omit the intermediate authority - such a hadith was known as mursal (loose). It was found that the missing link between the Successor and the Prophet (SAS) might be one person, i.e. a Companion, or two persons, the extra person being an older Successor who heard the hadith from the Companion.'
Author: Mahmood Al-Tahaan